Mt. Gilead Baptist Church
Saturday, December 21, 2024
Loving God - Loving others
EASTERDEATH. It's been in our face for the past two years.
No one likes to talk about it even though it's something everyone will face. It doesn't discriminate based on age, wealth, or power. These past two years it has held us captive by fear - fear to be near people because we might catch something that would be deadly. But, one person conquered death and He offers that victory to all who believe and surrender to Him. This Easter, we will celebrate the day that Jesus conquered death when He rose from the dead. Please join us this Easter Sunday - April 17 - to hear how His conquering of death can give you victory in your own life.
Kids Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 16
10:00-11:30 a.m.
Please pre-register by emailing our Children's Director, Mandy, at |